Giving Is Boundless When Made In Love
We believe in giving that is personal, committed, and founded in community. That’s why we invest long term in our communities. That’s also why we ask for you to discern giving to our mission regularly and becoming a part of the community of love we’re building.
Our Causes

Give The Gift Of Light
$20 A Month Gives Light to a New Family
We tend to take light for granted in developed countries, but in many places we serve, electrical lighting is relatively new. Lighting correlates strongly with higher productivity, so help us be light in the darkness to the poor.

Make Education For All A Reality
$36 a month to Scholarship three Children a Year
Education has been referred to by the U.N. as the universal “passport to human development.”

Give Water To The Thirsty
$60 a Month Will Give a New Neighborhood Clean Water
Clean water is incredibly cheap and yet so inaccessible for so many. 6 to 8 million people die annually from water related diseases. Our order is committed to giving clean water to our communities.

Shelter For The Homeless
$460 a Month Build a Home a Year
Homelessness is often caused by loss of family and natural catastrophes. Please help us in our mission to shelter the homeless.
The Greatest Gift Is The Gift Of Love
Ways To Give
We welcome your donations by using the following online giving platform. Thank you for your support!